Method on @sym: disp (x)
Method on @sym: disp (x, 'unicode')
Method on @sym: disp (x, 'ascii')
Method on @sym: disp (x, 'flat')
Method on @sym: s = disp (x)

Display the value of a symbolic expression.


syms x a c
str = disp(sin(2*sym(pi)*x))
  ⇒ str =   sin(2⋅π⋅x)

A = [sin(x/2) floor(a^(x*c)); acosh(2*x/pi) ceil(sin(x/gamma(x)))];
disp(A, 'unicode')
  -|   ⎡     ⎛x⎞      ⎢ c⋅x⎥   ⎤
  -|   ⎢  sin⎜─⎟      ⎣a   ⎦   ⎥
  -|   ⎢     ⎝2⎠               ⎥
  -|   ⎢                       ⎥
  -|   ⎢     ⎛2⋅x⎞  ⎡   ⎛ x  ⎞⎤⎥
  -|   ⎢acosh⎜───⎟  ⎢sin⎜────⎟⎥⎥
  -|   ⎣     ⎝ π ⎠  ⎢   ⎝Γ(x)⎠⎥⎦

disp(A, 'ascii')
  -|   [     /x\              / c*x\      ]
  -|   [  sin|-|        floor\a   /      ]
  -|   [     \2/                          ]
  -|   [                                  ]
  -|   [     /2*x\         /   /   x    \\]
  -|   [acosh|---| ceiling|sin|--------||]
  -|   [     \ pi/         \   \Gamma(x)//]

disp(A, 'flat')
  -| Matrix([[sin(x/2), floor(a**(c*x))], [acosh(2*x/pi), ceiling(sin(x/gamma(x)))]])

See also: @sym/pretty.

Package: symbolic