Method on @sym: expint (x)
Method on @sym: expint (n, x)

Symbolic generalized exponential integral (expint) function.

Integral definition:

syms x
E1 = expint(x)
  ⇒ E1 = (sym) E₁(x)
rewrite(E1, 'Integral')            % doctest: +SKIP
  ⇒ (sym)
      ⎮  -t⋅x
      ⎮ ℯ
      ⎮ ───── dt
      ⎮   t

This can also be written (using the substitution u = t⋅x) as:

      ⎮  -u
      ⎮ ℯ
      ⎮ ─── du
      ⎮  u

With two arguments, we have:

E2 = expint(2, x)
  ⇒ E2 = (sym) E₂(x)

In general:

syms n x
En = expint(n, x)
  ⇒ En = (sym) expint(n, x)
rewrite(En, 'Integral')            % doctest: +SKIP
  ⇒ (sym)
      ⎮  -n  -t⋅x
      ⎮ t  ⋅ℯ     dt

Other example:

diff(En, x)
  ⇒ (sym) -expint(n - 1, x)

See also: expint, @sym/ei.

Package: symbolic