Method on @sym: ezsurf (z)
Method on @sym: ezsurf (f1, f2, f3)
Method on @sym: ezsurf (…, dom)
Method on @sym: ezsurf (…, N)

Simple 3D surface plots of symbolic expressions.

Example 3D surface plot:

syms x y
z = sin(2*x)*sin(y)
  ⇒ z = (sym) sin(2⋅x)⋅sin(y)
ezsurf(z)                                    % doctest: +SKIP

Example parametric surface plot of a Möbius strip:

syms u v
x = (1+v*cos(u/2))*cos(u)
  ⇒ x = (sym)
      ⎛     ⎛u⎞    ⎞
      ⎜v⋅cos⎜─⎟ + 1⎟⋅cos(u)
      ⎝     ⎝2⎠    ⎠
y = (1+v*cos(u/2))*sin(u);
z = v*sin(u/2);

ezsurf(x, y, z, [0 2*pi -0.5 0.5], 32)       % doctest: +SKIP
axis equal

See help for the (non-symbolic) ezsurf, which this routine calls after trying to convert sym inputs to anonymous functions.

See also: ezsurf, @sym/ezmesh, @sym/ezplot, @sym/function_handle.

Package: symbolic