Method on @sym: norm (A)
Method on @sym: norm (v)
Method on @sym: norm (A, ord)

Symbolic vector/matrix norm.

The first argument can either be a matrix A or a matrix v. The second argument ord defaults to 2.

Matrix example:

A = sym([8 1 6; 3  5  7; 4  9  2]);
norm (A)
  ⇒ (sym) 15
norm (A, 2)
  ⇒ (sym) 15
norm (A, 'fro')
  ⇒ (sym) √285

Vector example:

syms a positive
v = sym([1; a; 2]);
norm (v)
  ⇒ (sym)
        ╱  2
      ╲╱  a  + 5

norm (v, 1)
  ⇒ (sym) a + 3
norm (v, inf)
  ⇒ (sym) Max(2, a)

See also: @sym/svd.

Package: symbolic