Method on @sym: f = subsasgn (f, idx, rhs)
Operator on @sym: f(i) = rhs
Operator on @sym: f(i, j) = rhs
Operator on @sym: f(i:j) = rhs
Operator on @sym: f(x) = symexpr

Assign to entries of a symbolic array.


A = sym([10 11 12]);
A(3) = 44
  ⇒ A = (sym) [10  11  44]  (1×3 matrix)

A(1:2) = [42 43]
  ⇒ A = (sym) [42  43  44]  (1×3 matrix)

A(1, 1) = 41
  ⇒ A = (sym) [41  43  44]  (1×3 matrix)

This method also gets called when creating @symfuns:

syms x
f(x) = 3*x^2
  ⇒ f(x) = (symfun)

See also: @sym/subsref, @sym/subindex, @sym/end, symfun.

Package: symbolic