Estimates the Renyi entropy of Qth order using a partition of the phase space instead of using the Grassberger-Procaccia scheme.
The program also can handle multivariate data, so that the phase space is build of the components of the time series plus a temporal embedding, if desired. Also, note that the memory requirement does not increase exponentially like 1/epsilon^M but only like M*(length of series). So it can also be used for small epsilon and large M. No finite sample corrections are implemented so far.
This function always assumes that each time series is along the longer dimension of matrix S. It also assumes that every dimension (counting along the shorter dimension) of S is considered a component of the time series.
The maximum embedding dimension [default = 10].
The delay used [default = 1].
Order of the entropy [default = 2.0].
Minimum length scale [default = 1e-3].
Maximum length scale [default = 1].
Number of length scale values [default = 20].
The output is alligned with the input. If the input components where column vectors then the output is a maximum-embedding-dimension x number-of-components struct array with the following fields:
Holds the embedding dimension of the struct.
The entropy output. Contains three columns which hold:
See also: demo boxcount, d2, c1.
The algorithms for this functions have been taken from the TISEAN package.
The following code
res = boxcount (henon (1000),'m',5); do_plot_entrop = @(x) semilogx (x{1}(:,1),x{1}(:,3),'g'); hold on # Show only for first component arrayfun (do_plot_entrop, {res(:,1).entropy}); hold off axis tight xlabel ("Epsilon") ylabel ("Differential Entropies"); title ("Entropies")
Produces the following figure
Figure 1 |
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Package: tisean