
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: vibes.drawBox (box)

Plot a single box with pairs of lower bounds and upper bounds.

The matrix box must be of size either [2 n] or [n 2], where n is the number of axes.

Alternatively box may be an interval vector.

Function File: vibes.drawBox (x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub)
Function File: vibes.drawBox (x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub, z_lb, z_ub)

Plot a single box.

Function File: vibes.drawBox (…, 'figure', name)

Do the plotting inside a given VIBes figure

Function File: vibes.drawBox (…, format)

Customize the plotting using VIBes format strings.

Package: vibes