: p = VideoReader ()

Create object p of the VideoReader class.

: VideoReader.disp

Outputs a list of all available properties.

: VideoReader.readFrame

Get next RGB24 frame. This also increases ’FrameNumber’.

: __octave_video_set_verbosity_level__ (LEVEL)

Internal function to increase chattiness of the underlying code for debugging purposes.

  • 0: only errors
  • 1: + warnings (default)
  • 2: + info messages
  • 3: + verbose info messages
  • 4: + ffmpeg debug messages

Demonstration 1

The following code

 fn = fullfile (tempdir(), "sombrero.mp4");
 if (! exist (fn, "file"))
   warning ("'%s' doesn't exist, running demo VideoWriter first...", fn);
   demo ("VideoWriter");
 x = VideoReader (fn);
 im = [];
 while (! isempty (img = readFrame (x)))
   if (isempty (im))
     im = image (img);
     axis off;
     set (im, "cdata", img);
   pause (1/30);

Produces the following output

warning: '/tmp/sombrero.mp4' doesn't exist, running demo VideoWriter first...
warning: called from
    get_output at line 50 column 5
    __html_help_text__ at line 67 column 28
    generate_package_html>wrote_html at line 842 column 5
    generate_package_html at line 207 column 11

VideoWriter example 1:
 fn = fullfile (tempdir (), "sombrero.mp4");
 w = VideoWriter (fn);
 w.FrameRate = 50;
 open (w);
 z = sombrero ();
 hs = surf (z);
 axis manual
 nframes = 200;
 for ii = 1:nframes
   set (hs, "zdata", z * sin (2*pi*ii/nframes + pi/5));
   writeVideo (w, getframe (gcf));
 close (w)
 printf ("Now run 'open %s' to read the video with your default video player or try 'demo VideoReader'!\n", fn);

Now run 'open /tmp/sombrero.mp4' to read the video with your default video player or try 'demo VideoReader'!

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 2

The following code

 r = VideoReader("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/master/samples/data/vtest.avi")
 im = [];
 while (r.hasFrame())
   img = readFrame (r);
   if (isempty (im))
     im = image (img);
     axis off;
     set (im, "cdata", img);

Produces the following output

r =

 class VideoReader:

  read-only access:
    Duration [s]    = 79.50
    BitsPerPixel    = 24
    Bitrate         = 818
    FrameRate [fps] = 10.00
    Height [px]     = 576
    Width [px]      = 768
    Name            = 'vtest.avi'
    Path            = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/master/samples/data'
    NumberOfFrames  = 795
    VideoFormat     = 'RGB24'
    FrameNumber     = 0
    VideoCodec      = 'msmpeg4v3'
    AspectRatio     = '[0 1]'
    FFmpeg_versions = 'Lavu57.28.100, SwS6.7.100, Lavc59.37.100, Lavf59.27.100'

  read-write access:
    CurrentTime     = 0
    Tag             = ''

and the following figure

Figure 1

Package: video