
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


       s = vrml_cyl(x,...) 

 Makes a cylinder that links x(:,1) to x(:,2) 
 Options : 

 "tran", transparency    : Transparency                  default = 0
 "col" , col             : Color           default = [ 0.3 0.4 0.9 ]
 "rad" , radius          : Radius of segments         default = 0.05
 "balls"                 : Add balls to extremities
 "brad"                  : Radius of balls             default = rad
 "emit", bool            : Use or not emissiveColor
 "noemit"                : Same as emit,0
 "arrow"                 : Last segment is an arrow 
 "hcol", hcol            : Set color of the head of the arrow.
                                                       default = col

Package: vrml