
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


 s = vrml_faces(x,f,...) - VRML facet object (IndexedFaceSet node)

 x : 3xP   : The 3D points
 f : 3xQ   : The indexes of the points forming the faces. Indexes
             should have values in 1:P.

 Returns a Shape -> IndexedFaceSet vrml node.

 No check is done on anything

 Options :
 "col" , col  : 3   : Color,                      default = [0.3,0.4,0.9]
             or 3xP : Color of vertices
             or 3xQ : Color of facets   (use "colorPerVertex" below to
                                         disambiguate the case P==Q).
 "emit", em   : 3   : Emissive color of the surface
              : 3XP : (same as color)
              : 3xQ :
              : 1   : Use color as emissive color too         default = 0

 "tran", tran : 1x1 : Transparency,                           default = 0

 "creaseAngle", a 
              :  1  : vrml creaseAngle value. The browser may smoothe the
                      crease between facets whose angle is less than a.
                                                              default = 0
 "tex", texfile 
              : string : Name of file containing texture.   default : none

 "imsz", sz   : 2   : Size of texture image 
                                       default is determined by imginfo()

 "tcoord", tcoord
              : 2x3Q : Coordinates of vertices in texture image. Each 2x3
                       block contains coords of one facet's corners. The
                       coordinates should be in [0,1], as in a VRML
                       TextureCoordinate node.
                                       default assumes faces are returned
                                       by extex()

 "smooth"           : same as "creaseAngle",pi.
 "colorPerVertex", c: If 1, col specifies color of vertices. If 0,
                       col specifies color of facets.         Default = 1

 "DEFcoord",n : string : DEF the coord VRML node with name n. Default = ''
 "DEFcol",  n : string : DEF the color VRML node with name n. Default = ''

 See also: vrml_surf(), vmesh(), test_vrml_faces()

Demonstration 1

The following code

 % Test the vrml_faces and vrml_browse functions with the test_vrml_faces script

Produces the following output

Going to show a tetrahedron

     If nothing appears, it may be due to problems
     with your FreeWRL installation
cmd = freewrl        /tmp/octave_vrml_output.wrl 
Press a key in this terminal when done
Going to show almost the same tetrahedron

     If nothing appears, it may be due to problems
     with your FreeWRL installation
cmd = freewrl        /tmp/octave_vrml_output.wrl 
Press a key in this terminal when done
Coloring the vertices
cmd = freewrl        /tmp/octave_vrml_output.wrl 
Press a key in this terminal when done
Coloring the faces
cmd = freewrl        /tmp/octave_vrml_output.wrl 
Press a key in this terminal when done

Package: vrml