
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


       s = vrml_thick_surf (x, y, z [, options] )
       s = vrml_thick_surf (z [, options] )

 Returns vrml97 code for a Shape -> IndexedFaceSet node representing a
 surface passing through the given points.

 The surface may look smoother than that returned by  vrml_surf,  but it
 has twice as many facets.

 x : RxC or C  : X coordinates of the points on the surface
 y : RxC or R  : Y "                                      "
 z : RxC       : Z "                                      "

 s :   string  : The code

 If x and y are omitted, they are assumed to be 1:C and 1:R, resp
 Points presenting one or more 'inf' or 'nan' coordinates are ignored.

 Options :

 "col" , col  : 3   : Color,                      default = [0.3,0.4,0.9]
             or 3xP : color of vertices (vrml colorPerVertex is TRUE).
 "tran", tran : 1x1 : Transparency,                           default = 0

 "creaseAngle", a 
              :  1  : vrml creaseAngle value. The browser may smoothe the
                      crease between facets whose angle is less than a.
                                                              default = 0
 "smooth"           : same as "creaseAngle",pi.

Package: vrml