Function File: h = zenity_progress(title, option1, option2)
Function File: zenity_progress (h, progress)
Function File: zenity_progress (h, progress, text)
Displays a graphical progress bar. If the first argument is either non-present or a string, a new progress bar is created and a handle is returned. If the first argument is a string it will be used as the title of the progress bar. The two optional arguments option1 and option2 can be
- ‘auto-close’
- The progress bar will be closed when it reaches 100.
- ‘pulsate’
- The progress bar will pulsate.
If the first argument is a handle to a progress bar and the second argument is an integer, the progress bar will set its current value to the given integer. If the second argument is a string, the text of the progress bar will be set to the given string. It is possible to pass both an integer and a string to the function in one function call.