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Data manipulation toolbox similar to R data.frame

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Not documented
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Not documented
function resu = and(A, B) Implements the '&' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
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Not documented
Not documented
Not documented
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Not documented
function resu = bsxfun(func, A, B) Implements a wrapper around internal bsxfun
function resu = cat(dim, A, varargin) This is the concatenation operator for a dataframe object.
Not documented
iterate on a column by column basis
function resu = columns(df) returns the number of columns of a dataframe
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Not documented
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Not documented
This is the default constructor for a dataframe object, which is similar to R 'data.frame'.
function resu = display(df) Tries to produce a nicely formatted output of a dataframe.
function resu = end(df, k, n) This is the end operator for a dataframe object, returning the maximum number of rows or columns
function resu = eq(A, B) Implements the '==' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
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Not documented
Not documented
Not documented
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Not documented
create a vector the same size as indr
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Not documented
function resu = fold(df, S, RHS) The purpose is to fold a dataframe.
Not documented
function resu = ge(A, B) Implements the '>=' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = gt(A, B) Implements the '>' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
Not documented
Not implemented.
function [x, rcond] = inv(df) Overloaded function computing the inverse of a dataframe.
Not documented
function resu = isbool(df) returns true if all the columns are boolean
function resu = iscell(df) This is iscell() operator for a dataframe object.
function resu = iscellstr(df) This is iscellstr() operator for a dataframe object.
function resu = ischar(df) This is ischar() operator for a dataframe object.
Return 1 if df is an empty dataframe (either the number of rows, or the number of columns, or both are zero).
(DF, NAME, STRICT) Return true if the expression DF is a dataframe and it includes an element matching NAME.
Not documented
function resu = islogical(df) returns true if all the columns are boolean
function resu = ismatrix(df) returns true if the dataframe can be converted to a matrix
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Not documented
function resu = isnumeric(df) returns true if the dataframe contains only numeric columns
function resu = isscalar(df) returns true if the dataframe can be converted to a vector
function resu = isvector(df) returns true if the dataframe can be converted to a vector
Not documented
function resu = ldivide(A, B) Implements the dotted '\' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = le(A, B) Implements the '<=' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
Not documented
Not documented
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Not documented
function resu = minus(A, B) Implements the '<' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
Not documented
function resu = minus(A, B) Implements the '-' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = mldivide(A, B) Implements the '\' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = mrdivide(A, B) Implements the '/' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = mtimes(A, B) Implements the '*' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
overloaded function implementing ndims for a dataframe
function resu = ne(A, B) Implements the '~=' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
function resu = nth_element(x, n, dim) This is a wrapper for the real nth_element
function resu = numel(df, varargin) This is numel operator for a dataframe object.
function resu = or(A, B) Implements the '|' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
adjust index size, if required
function resu = plus(A, B) Implements the '+' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
Not implemented.
Not documented
function resu = rdivide(A, B) Implements the dotted '\' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
Not documented
for the second dim, use either 1 either the 3rd one
function resu = reshape(df, varargin)
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Not documented
function resu = rows(df) returns the number of rows of a dataframe
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Not documented
function resu = size(df, varargin) This is size operator for a dataframe object.
Return a copy of X with the elements arranged in increasing order.
Not documented
function resu = strncmp(A, B, n) Implements the strncmp func when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function df = subsasgn(df, S, RHS) This is the assignement operator for a dataframe object, taking care of all the housekeeping of meta-info.
function resu = subsindex(df) This function convert a dataframe to an index.
function resu = subsref(df, S) This function returns a subpart of a dataframe.
Not documented
function resu = summary(df) This function prints a nice summary of a dataframe, on a colum-by-column basis.
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Not documented
Not documented
function resu = times(A, B) Implements the dotted '*' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
function resu = uminus(df) Implements the unitary '-' operator for a dataframe.
function resu = uplus(df) Implements the unitary '+' operator for a dataframe.
do the conversion now, in order not to loose inputnames
function resu = xor(A, B) Implements the '??' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.

Package: dataframe