
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: hnew = copyobj (horig)
Function File: hnew = copyobj (horig, hparent)

Construct a copy of the graphic object associated with handle horig and return a handle hnew to the new object.

If a parent handle hparent (root, figure, axes, or hggroup) is specified, the copied object will be created as a child of hparent.

See also: struct2hdl, hdl2struct, findobj.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 hobj = figure ('name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off');
 hold on;
 x = 1:10;
 y = x.^2;
 dy = 2 * (.2 * x);
 y2 = (x - 3).^2;
 hg = errorbar (x, y, dy);
 set (hg, 'marker', '^', 'markerfacecolor', rand (1,3));
 plot (x, y2, 'ok-');
 legend ('errorbar', 'line');
 drawnow ();
 pos = get (hobj, 'position');
 scrn = get (0, 'screensize');
 set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
 drawnow ();
 hnew = copyobj (hobj);
 drawnow ();
 set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj');
 drawnow ();
 set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
 drawnow ();

Produces the following figures

Figure 1 Figure 2

Demonstration 2

The following code

 hobj = figure ('name', 'Original', 'numbertitle', 'off');
 subplot (2,2,1);
 hold on;
 contourf (rand (10, 10));
 colorbar ();
 subplot (2,2,2);
 quiver (rand (10, 10), rand (10, 10));
 subplot (2,2,3);
 colormap (jet (64));
 hold on;
 sombrero ();
 colorbar ('peer', gca, 'NorthOutside');
 subplot (2,2,4);
 imagesc (rand (30, 30));
 text (15, 15, 'Rotated text', ...
       'HorizontAlalignment', 'Center', 'Rotation', 30);
 drawnow ();
 pos = get (hobj, 'position');
 scrn = get (0, 'screensize');
 set (hobj, 'position', [scrn(3)/2-pos(3)-10, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
 drawnow ();
 hnew = copyobj (hobj);
 drawnow ();
 set (hnew, 'name', 'Copyobj');
 drawnow ();
 set (hnew, 'position', [scrn(3)/2, scrn(4)/2-pos(4)/2, pos(3:4)]);
 drawnow ();

Produces the following figures

Figure 1 Figure 2

Package: octave