
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: imwrite (img, filename)
Function File: imwrite (img, filename, ext)
Function File: imwrite (img, map, filename)
Function File: imwrite (…, param1, val1, …)

Write images in various file formats.

The image img can be a binary, grayscale, RGB, or multi-dimensional image. The size and class of img should be the same as what should be expected when reading it with imread: the 3rd and 4th dimensions reserved for color space, and multiple pages respectively. If it’s an indexed image, the colormap map must also be specified.

If ext is not supplied, the file extension of filename is used to determine the format. The actual supported formats are dependent on options made during the build of Octave. Use imformats to check the support of the different image formats.

Depending on the file format, it is possible to configure the writing of images with param, val pairs. The following options are supported:


Alpha (transparency) channel for the image. This must be a matrix with same class, and number of rows and columns of img. In case of a multipage image, the size of the 4th dimension must also match and the third dimension must be a singleton. By default, image will be completely opaque.


For formats that accept animations (such as GIF), controls for how long a frame is displayed until it moves to the next one. The value must be scalar (which will applied to all frames in img), or a vector of length equal to the number of frames in im. The value is in seconds, must be between 0 and 655.35, and defaults to 0.5.


For formats that accept animations (such as GIF), controls what happens to a frame before drawing the next one. Its value can be one of the following strings: "doNotSpecify" (default); "leaveInPlace"; "restoreBG"; and "restorePrevious", or a cell array of those string with length equal to the number of frames in img.


For formats that accept animations (such as GIF), controls how many times the sequence is repeated. A value of Inf means an infinite loop (default), a value of 0 or 1 that the sequence is played only once (loops zero times), while a value of 2 or above loops that number of times (looping twice means it plays the complete sequence 3 times). This option is ignored when there is only a single image at the end of writing the file.


Set the quality of the compression. The value should be an integer between 0 and 100, with larger values indicating higher visual quality and lower compression. Defaults to 75.


Some file formats, such as TIFF and GIF, are able to store multiple images in a single file. This option specifies if img should be appended to the file (if it exists) or if a new file should be created for it (possibly overwriting an existing file). The value should be the string "Overwrite" (default), or "Append".

Despite this option, the most efficient method of writing a multipage image is to pass a 4 dimensional img to imwrite, the same matrix that could be expected when using imread with the option "Index" set to "all".

See also: imread, imfinfo, imformats.

Package: octave