
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: legend (str1, str2, …)
Function File: legend (matstr)
Function File: legend (cellstr)
Function File: legend (…, "location", pos)
Function File: legend (…, "orientation", orient)
Function File: legend (hax, …)
Function File: legend (hobjs, …)
Function File: legend (hax, hobjs, …)
Function File: legend ("option")
Function File: [hleg, hleg_obj, hplot, labels] = legend (…)

Display a legend for the current axes using the specified strings as labels.

Legend entries may be specified as individual character string arguments, a character array, or a cell array of character strings.

If the first argument hax is an axes handle, then plot into this axis, rather than the current axes returned by gca. If the handles, hobjs, are not specified then the legend’s strings will be associated with the axes’ descendants. legend works on line graphs, bar graphs, etc. A plot must exist before legend is called.

The optional parameter pos specifies the location of the legend as follows:

poslocation of the legend
northcenter top
southcenter bottom
eastright center
westleft center
northeastright top (default)
northwestleft top
southeastright bottom
southwestleft bottom
outsidecan be appended to any location string

The optional parameter orient determines if the key elements are placed vertically or horizontally. The allowed values are "vertical" (default) or "horizontal".

The following customizations are available using option:


Show legend on the plot


Hide legend on the plot


Toggles between "hide" and "show"


Show a box around legend (default)


Hide the box around legend


Place label text to the right of the keys (default)


Place label text to the left of the keys


Delete the legend object

The optional output values are


The graphics handle of the legend object.


Graphics handles to the text and line objects which make up the legend.


Graphics handles to the plot objects which were used in making the legend.


A cell array of strings of the labels in the legend.

The legend label text is either provided in the call to legend or is taken from the DisplayName property of graphics objects. If no labels or DisplayNames are available, then the label text is simply "data1", "data2", …, "dataN".

Implementation Note: A legend is implemented as an additional axes object of the current figure with the "tag" set to "legend". Properties of the legend object may be manipulated directly by using set.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 plot (rand (2));
 title ('legend called with cellstr and string inputs for labels');
 h = legend ({'foo'}, 'bar');
 legend (h, 'location', 'northeastoutside');
 set (h, 'fontsize', 20);

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 2

The following code

 plot (rand (3));
 title ('legend("show") without inputs creates default labels');
 h = legend ('show');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 3

The following code

 x = 0:1;
 plot (x,x,';I am Blue;', x,2*x, x,3*x,';I am Red;');
 h = legend ('location', 'northeastoutside');
 ## Placing legend inside should return axes to original size
 legend (h, 'location', 'northeast');
 title ('Blue and Red keys, with Green missing');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 4

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ('incline is blue and decline is green');
 legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, 'location', 'east');
 legend hide
 legend show

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 5

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ('Legend with keys in horizontal orientation');
 legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, ...
         'location', 'east', 'orientation', 'horizontal');
 legend boxoff
 legend boxon

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 6

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ('Legend with box off');
 legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, 'location', 'east');
 legend boxoff

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 7

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ('Legend with text to the left of key');
 legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, 'location', 'east');
 legend left

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 8

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ({'Use properties to place legend text to the left of key', ...
         'Legend text color is magenta'});
 h = legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, 'location', 'east');
 legend ('right');
 set (h, 'textposition', 'left');
 set (h, 'textcolor', [1 0 1]);

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 9

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10, 1:10, fliplr (1:10));
 title ('Legend is hidden')
 legend ({'I am blue', 'I am green'}, 'location', 'east');
 legend hide

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 10

The following code

 x = 0:1;
 plot (x,x,';I am Blue;', x,2*x,';I am Green;', x,3*x,';I am Red;');
 title ({'Labels are embedded in call to plot', ...
         'Legend is hidden and then shown'});
 legend boxon
 legend hide
 legend show

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 11

The following code

 x = 0:1;
 plot (x, x, ';\alpha;',  ...
       x, 2*x, ';\beta=2\alpha;',  ...
       x, 3*x, ';\gamma=3\alpha;');
 h = legend ();
 set (h, 'interpreter', 'tex');
 title ('Labels with interpreted Greek text');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 12

The following code

 plot (rand (2));
 title ('Labels with TeX interpreter turned off');
 h = legend ('Hello_World', 'foo^bar');
 set (h, 'interpreter', 'none');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 13

The following code

 plot (1:10, 1:10);
 title ('a very long label can sometimes cause problems');
 legend ('hello very big world', 'location', 'northeastoutside');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 14

The following code

 labels = {};
 colororder = get (gca, 'colororder');
 for i = 1:5
   h = plot (1:100, i + rand (100,1)); hold on;
   set (h, 'color', colororder(i,:));
   labels = {labels{:}, ['Signal ', num2str(i)]};
 hold off;
 title ({'Signals with random offset and uniform noise';
         'Legend shown below and outside of plot'});
 xlabel ('Sample Nr [k]'); ylabel ('Amplitude [V]');
 legend (labels, 'location', 'southoutside');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 15

The following code

 x = linspace (0, 10);
 plot (x, x);
 hold on;
 stem (x, x.^2, 'g');
 title ('First created object gets first label');
 legend ('linear');
 hold off;

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 16

The following code

 x = linspace (0, 10);
 plot (x, x, x, x.^2);
 title ('First created object gets first label');
 legend ('linear');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 17

The following code

 x = linspace (0, 10);
 plot (x, x, x, x.^2);
 title ('Labels are applied in order of object creation');
 legend ('linear', 'quadratic');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 18

The following code

 rand_2x3_data1 = [0.341447, 0.171220, 0.284370; 0.039773, 0.731725, 0.779382];
 bar (rand_2x3_data1);
 ylim ([0 1.0]);
 title ('legend() works for bar graphs (hggroups)');
 legend ({'1st Bar', '2nd Bar', '3rd Bar'});

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 19

The following code

 rand_2x3_data2 = [0.44804, 0.84368, 0.23012; 0.72311, 0.58335, 0.90531];
 bar (rand_2x3_data2);
 ylim ([0 1.2]);
 title ('"left" option places text label west of colors');
 legend ('1st Bar', '2nd Bar', '3rd Bar');
 legend left;

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 20

The following code

 x = 0:0.1:7;
 h = plot (x,sin(x), x,cos(x), x,sin(x.^2/10), x,cos(x.^2/10));
 title ('Only the sin() objects have keylabels');
 legend (h([1, 3]), {'sin (x)', 'sin (x^2/10)'}, 'location', 'southwest');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 21

The following code

 x = 0:0.1:10;
 plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);');
 hold all;
 plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);');
 hold off;
 title ('legend constructed from multiple plot calls');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 22

The following code

 x = 0:0.1:10;
 plot (x, sin (x), ';sin (x);');
 hold all;
 plot (x, cos (x), ';cos (x);');
 hold off;
 title ('Specified label text overrides previous labels');
 legend ({'Sine', 'Cosine'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 23

The following code

 x = 0:10;
 plot (x, rand (11));
 xlabel ('Indices');
 ylabel ('Random Values');
 title ('Legend ''off'' deletes the legend');
 legend (cellstr (num2str ((1:10)')), 'location', 'northeastoutside');
 legend off;
 axis ([0, 10, 0 1]);

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 24

The following code

 x = (1:5)';
 subplot (2,2,1);
  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northwestoutside');
 subplot (2,2,2);
  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'northeastoutside');
 subplot (2,2,3);
  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southwestoutside');
 subplot (2,2,4);
  plot (x, rand (numel (x)));
  legend (cellstr (num2str (x)), 'location', 'southeastoutside');

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 25

The following code

 plot (rand (2));
 title ('legend() will warn if extra labels are specified');
 legend ('Hello', 'World', 'interpreter', 'foobar');

Produces the following output

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 26

The following code

 x = 0:10;
 y1 = rand (size (x));
 y2 = rand (size (x));
 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2);
 title ('plotyy legend test #1: Blue and Green labels');
 legend ([h1, h2], {'Blue', 'Green'}, 'location', 'south');

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 27

The following code

 x = 0:10;
 y1 = rand (size (x));
 y2 = rand (size (x));
 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2);
 title ('plotyy legend test #2: Blue and Green labels');
 legend ({'Blue', 'Green'}, 'location', 'south');

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 28

The following code

 x = 0:10;
 y1 = rand (size (x));
 y2 = rand (size (x));
 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy (x, y1, x, y2);
 title ('plotyy legend test #3: Blue and Green labels');
 legend ('Blue', 'Green', 'location', 'south');

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 29

The following code

 % bug 36408
 option = 'right';
 subplot (3,1,1);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  xlabel xlabel;
  ylabel ylabel;
  title ('Subplots should adjust to the legend placed outside');
  legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,2);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  xlabel xlabel;
  ylabel ylabel;
  legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'eastoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,3);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  xlabel xlabel;
  ylabel ylabel;
  legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southeastoutside');
  legend (option);

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 30

The following code

 % bug 36408
 option = 'right';
 subplot (3,1,1);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  title ('Subplots should adjust to the legend placed outside');
  legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,2);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,3);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside');
  legend (option);

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 31

The following code

 % bug 36408
 option = 'right';
 subplot (3,1,1);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  title ('Subplots should adjust to the legend placed outside');
  legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northeastoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,2);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'eastoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,3);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southeastoutside');
  legend (option);

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 32

The following code

 % bug 36408
 option = 'right';
 subplot (3,1,1);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  title ('Subplots should adjust to the legend placed outside');
  legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,2);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,3);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'yaxislocation', 'right');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside');
  legend (option);

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 33

The following code

 % bug 36408;
 option = 'right';
 subplot (3,1,1);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  title ('Subplots should adjust to the legend placed outside');
  legend ({'1'}, 'location', 'northwestoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,2);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'1234567890'}, 'location', 'westoutside');
  legend (option);
 subplot (3,1,3);
  plot (rand (1,4));
  set (gca (), 'xaxislocation', 'top');
  xlabel ('xlabel');
  ylabel ('ylabel');
  legend ({'12345678901234567890'}, 'location', 'southwestoutside');
  legend (option);

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 34

The following code

 % bug 39697
 plot (1:10);
 legend ('Legend Text');
 title ({'Multi-line', 'titles', 'are a', 'problem'});

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Demonstration 35

The following code

 colormap (cool (64));
 surf (peaks ());
 legend ('peaks()')
 title ('legend() works for surface objects too');

Produces the following figure

warning: legend: ignoring extra labels

and the following figure

Figure 1

Package: octave