
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Built-in Function: strftime (fmt, tm_struct)

Format the time structure tm_struct in a flexible way using the format string fmt that contains ‘%’ substitutions similar to those in printf.

Except where noted, substituted fields have a fixed size; numeric fields are padded if necessary. Padding is with zeros by default; for fields that display a single number, padding can be changed or inhibited by following the ‘%’ with one of the modifiers described below. Unknown field specifiers are copied as normal characters. All other characters are copied to the output without change. For example:

strftime ("%r (%Z) %A %e %B %Y", localtime (time ()))
     ⇒ "01:15:06 AM (CST) Monday 17 February 1997"

Octave’s strftime function supports a superset of the ANSI C field specifiers.

Literal character fields:


% character.


Newline character.


Tab character.

Numeric modifiers (a nonstandard extension):

- (dash)

Do not pad the field.

_ (underscore)

Pad the field with spaces.

Time fields:


Hour (00-23).


Hour (01-12).


Hour (0-23).


Hour (1-12).


Minute (00-59).


Locale’s AM or PM.


Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M).


Time, 24-hour (hh:mm).


Time in seconds since 00:00:00, Jan 1, 1970 (a nonstandard extension).


Second (00-61).


Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss).


Locale’s time representation (%H:%M:%S).


Time zone (EDT), or nothing if no time zone is determinable.

Date fields:


Locale’s abbreviated weekday name (Sun-Sat).


Locale’s full weekday name, variable length (Sunday-Saturday).


Locale’s abbreviated month name (Jan-Dec).


Locale’s full month name, variable length (January-December).


Locale’s date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989).


Century (00-99).


Day of month (01-31).


Day of month ( 1-31).


Date (mm/dd/yy).


Same as %b.


Day of year (001-366).


Month (01-12).


Week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00-53).


Day of week (0-6).


Week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00-53).


Locale’s date representation (mm/dd/yy).


Last two digits of year (00-99).


Year (1970-).

See also: strptime, localtime, gmtime, mktime, time, now, date, clock, datenum, datestr, datevec, calendar, weekday.

Package: octave