DETREND removes the trend from data, NaN's are considered as missing values DETREND is fully compatible to previous Matlab and Octave DETREND with the following features added: - handles NaN's...
MOMENT estimates the p-th moment M = moment(x, p [,opt] [,DIM]) M = moment(H, p [,opt]) calculates p-th central moment from data x in dimension DIM of from Histogram H
NANTEST checks several mathematical operations and a few statistical functions for their correctness related to NaN's. e.g. it checks norminv, normcdf, normpdf, sort, matrix division and multip...
SEM calculates the standard error of the mean [SE,M] = SEM(x [, DIM [,W]]) calculates the standard error (SE) in dimension DIM the default DIM is the first non-single dimension M retur...
Train a (statistical) classifier CC = train_sc(D,classlabel) CC = train_sc(D,classlabel,MODE) CC = train_sc(D,classlabel,MODE, W) weighting D(k,:) with weight W(k) (not all classifiers su...
decompose extended covariance matrix into mean (mu), standard deviation, the (pure) Covariance (COV), correlation (xc) matrix and the correlation coefficients R2.
MAHAL return the Mahalanobis' D-square distance between the multivariate samples x and y, which must have the same number of components (columns), but may have a different number of observatio...
CAT2BIN converts categorical into binary data each category of each column in D is converted into a logical column B = cat2bin(C); [B,BinLabel] = cat2bin(C,Label); [B,BinLabel] = ...
TTEST (paired) t-test For a sample X from a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance, perform a t-test of the null hypothesis `mean (X) == M'.
TTEST2 (unpaired) t-test For two samples x and y from normal distributions with unknown means and unknown equal variances, perform a two-sample t-test of the null hypothesis of equa...
SIGNRANK - Wilcoxon signed-rank test The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test used to compare two related samples whether their population median ...
HISTO calculates histogram for each column [H,X] = HISTO(Y,Mode) Mode 'rows' : frequency of each row '1x' : single bin-values 'nx' : separate bin-values for each column X are...
ROC plots receiver operator curve and computes derived statistics. computes the ROC curve, and a number of derived paramaters include AUC, optimal threshold values, corresponding confusion m...
cdf = betacdf (x, a, b) For each element of @var{x}, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at x of the Beta distribution with parameters a and b.