pkg for the resolution of partial differential equations based on fenics
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Import a BilinearForm from a ufl file.
Import a LinearForm from a ufl file.
Import a Functional from a ufl file.
Import a FunctionSpace from a ufl file.
Import a Variational Problem from a ufl file.
Writes the given line to a ufl file.
Construct a mesh from file or from (p, e, t) format.
Generate a FunctionSpace on a specific mesh.
Initialize a SubDomain with a function handle, INSIDE, and a binary flag.
Mark MESHFUNCTION with NUMBER on the entities contained in SUBDOMAIN.
Creates a constant object over all the mesh elements with the value specified.
Creates an object with the value specified as a function handle.
Initialize an object with the values specified in a vector or extracting a component from a vectorial field.
Initialize a MeshFunction with the values contained in a file.
Specify essential boundary condition on a specific side.
Interpolate a function on a FunctionSpace.
Construct a BilinearForm previously imported from ufl.
Construct a Functional previously imported from a ufl file.
Construct a ResidualForm previously imported from a ufl file with the function import_ufl_LinearForm.
Construct a JacobianForm previously imported from a ufl file with the function import_ufl_BilinearForm.
Construct a Functional previously imported from a ufl file.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the linear algebra back-end to use when assembling systems, matrices or vectors.
Construct the discretization of a Form and apply essential BC.
Construct the discretization of a system and apply essential BC.
Save a function in vtu format.
Plot a Function.
Plot a Mesh.
Evaluate a function at a specific point of the domain and return the value.
Save a meshfunction in XDMF format.
Set an MPI barrier.
Return true if called on node zero.
Compile a wrapper for dolfin::MeshFunction
Package: fem-fenics