Library with functions useful for numerical computation in classical mechanics and structural analysis.
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Implements a general nonlinear oscillator.
Returns the required options structure for the function nloscillator and a description of the fields in the structure.
Implements a general pendulum.
Returns the required options structure for the function pendulum and a description of the fields in the structure.
Moment of intertia of a plane shape.
Center of mass of a plane shape.
Calculates the principal axes of a shape.
Generates the Eulerangle rotation matrix in the given convention.
This function is implemented in paclage quaternions and will be deprecated.
This function is implemented in the quaternion package and will be deprecated.
Conjugate of a quaternion.
Product of two quaternions.
Rotate vector v accoding to quaternionr q.
Mass matrix of one dimensional rod in 3D.
Rotational equations of motion of rigid body fixed in one point.
Example of a free rigid body (no torques)
Returns force and energy of the Lennard-Jonnes potential evaluated at DX.
Integrates a system of particles using velocity Verlet algorithm.
Verlet velocity step
Verlet velocity step in periodic space
This function returns the internal forces of a member for each position x.
This function plots the internal forces for all members.
Plots a 2D frame (with displacements if needed) using the following input parameters:
Solves a 2D frame with the matrix displacement method for the following input parameters:
Solves a 2D frame with the matrix displacement method for the following input parameters:
Evaluates a force function depending on the separation of multiple interacting points.