Create and manage triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Use a mesh data structure compatible with PDEtool. Rely on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.
Select category:
Structured mesh creation
Unstructured mesh creation
Mesh manipulation
Mesh properties
Mesh adaptation
Mesh extraction
Mesh plotting
Mesh conversion from DOLFIN
Mesh export to gmsh
Construct a structured triangular 2D mesh on a rectangular domain.
Construct a structured tetrahedral 3D mesh on a parallelepipedal domain.
Generate a structured mesh in a thin layer of size SIGMA sitting on a natural Catmull-Rom type cubic spline with control points XC, YC.
Construct an unstructured triangular 2D mesh making use of the free software gmsh.
Construct an unstructured tetrahedral 3D mesh making use of the free software gmsh.
Join the two structured meshes MESH1 and MESH2 into one single mesh.
Join the two structured meshes MESH1 and MESH2 into one single mesh.
Compute MESH geometrical properties identified by input strings.
Compute MESH geometrical properties identified by input strings.
Compute MESH topological properties identified by input strings.
Return a list of MESH nodes lying on the sides specified in SIDELIST.
Return a list of MESH nodes lying on the faces specified in FACELIST.
Apply a baricentric regularization to equalize the size of triangle edges, i.e.
Displace the boundary of a 2D mesh setting a spring with force/length constant K along each edge and enforcing equilibrium.
Equalize the size of triangle edges setting a spring of rest length FACTOR*AREA along each edge of the mesh and solving for static equilibrium.
Refine a mesh * The MESH is a PDE-tool like structures with matrix field (p,e,t).
Extract the plane surface NSRF delimited by NSIDES from MESH.
Extract the subdomain(s) in SDL from IMESH.
Extract the subdomain(s) in SDL from IMESH.
Plot MESH with the line specification in LINESPEC using `triplot'.
Read a mesh from a dolfin .xml.gz file.
Write a mesh to a dolfin .xml file.
See also: msh3m_gmsh_write.
See also: msh2m_gmsh_write.
Package: msh