Routines for calculating the time-evolution of the level-set equation and extracting geometric information from the level-set function.
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Solve the Eikonal equation using the Fast-Marching Method.
Calculate the estimated distances of grid points in the "narrow band" to the zero level-set of PHI.
Calculate the distance function of a set.
Calculate the signed distance function of a set described by its level-set function.
Approximate the Hausdorff distance between two sets.
Solve a generalised Eikonal equation with speeds of arbitrary signs.
Calculate a level-set function of an evolving geometry from the result of 'ls_solve_stationary'.
Approximate the gradient norm of PHI using an upwind scheme.
Evolve the level-set equation with time stepping.
Check a geometric constraint for the level-set function PHI.
Enforce a geometric constraint for the level-set function PHI.
Enforce geometric constraints by changing the speed field F accordingly.
Return in a logical array which points are inside the domain described by the level-set function PHI.
Check if the set described by PHI1 is a subset of PHI2.
Check if the set described by PHI is the empty set.
Check if the sets described by PHI1 and PHI2 are equal.
Check if all the sets described by the given level-set functions are disjoint.
Construct the level-set function for a basic geometric shape.
Construct a level-set function for the complement of the set described by PHI.
Calculate a level-set function for the union of the sets described by the argument level-set functions.
Calculate a level-set function for the intersection of the sets described by the argument level-set functions.
Calculate a level-set function for the set difference PHI1 minus PHI2.
Calculate a level-set function for the set "xor" of the two domains given via PHI1 and PHI2.
Interpret the level-set function PHI and extract geometrical properties.
Extend the geometry structure GEOM of 'ls_find_geometry' to include absolute coordinates.
Initialise the narrow-band values utilising information about the geometry.
Build a triangle mesh for the level-set geometry described by GEOM and by the level-set function PHI.
Animate the evolution of a level-set geometry.
Return a couple of level-set functions for certain 2D cases in the cell-array PHIS.
Normalise the level-set function PHI.
Construct a colour map that can visibly distinguish between positive and negative values.
Initialise the parameter structure for the shape optimisation routines.
Perform a line search according to the Armijo rule.
Run a descent method for shape optimisation.
Update handlers to save the descent run to a file.
Replay a descent file saved by 'so_save_descent'.
Interactively explore a descent file saved by 'so_save_descent'.
Construct an example problem for shape optimisation.
Package: level-set