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Adds symbolic calculation features to GNU Octave. These include common Computer Algebra System tools such as algebraic operations, calculus, equation solving, Fourier and Laplace transforms, variable precision arithmetic and other features. Compatibility with other symbolic toolboxes is intended.

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Main functions

Create symbolic variables and symbolic functions.
Define symbols and numbers as symbolic expressions.
Create a variable-precision floating point number.
Preferences for the Symbolic package.
Numerical solution of a symbolic equation.


Specify assumptions for a symbolic variable (replace existing).
List assumptions on symbolic variables.
New assumptions on a symbolic variable (replace old if any).
Add additional assumptions on a symbolic variable.

Symbolic Constants

Return Catalan constant.
Return Euler–Mascheroni constant.


Convert cell array to symbolic array.
Set/get number of digits used in variable precision arith.
Compute the Dirac delta (generalized) function.
Return symbolic Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci polynomials.
Return a list (cell array) of the symbols in an expression.
Return a symbolic set containing the inputs without duplicates.
Compute the Heaviside unit-step function.
Evaluate Laguerre polynomials.
Compute the Lambert W function of Z.
Create a symbolic polynomial expression from coefficients.

Double-precision numerical functions

Numerical Classical Adjoint / Adjugate of a square matrix.
Numerically evaluate Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.
Numerically evaluate Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
Numerically evaluate Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
Numerical coshint function.
Numerical cosint function.
Numerical dilogarithm function
Numerical Euler numbers or Euler polynomials.
Numerical fresnelc function.
Numerical fresnels function.
Numerical harmonic function.
Numerical logint function.
Numerically evaluate the Rising Factorial or Pochhammer symbol.
Numerical polylogarithm function
Numerical sinhint function.
Numerical sinint function.
Numerical zeta function.

Mathematical methods for symbolic objects

Symbolic abs function.
Symbolic inverse cos function with output in degrees.
Symbolic acosh function.
Symbolic acos function.
Symbolic acoth function.
Symbolic acot function.
Symbolic acsch function.
Symbolic acsc function.
Adjoint/Adjugate of a symbolic square matrix.
Symbolic Airy functions of first/second kind and their derivatives.
Symbolic polar angle.
Symbolic polar angle.
Symbolic asech function.
Symbolic asec function.
Symbolic inverse sin function with output in degrees.
Symbolic asinh function.
Symbolic asin function.
Return an angle from a point given by symbolic expressions.
Symbolic inverse tan function with output in degrees.
Symbolic atanh function.
Symbolic atan function.
Return symbolic Bernoulli numbers or Bernoulli polynomials.
Symbolic Hankel functions of first/second kind.
Symbolic modified Bessel function of the first kind.
Symbolic Bessel function of the first kind.
Symbolic Spherical Bessel function of the first kind.
Symbolic modified Bessel function of the second kind.
Symbolic Bessel function of the second kind.
Symbolic Spherical Bessel function of the second kind.
Beta function.
Transform symbolic Cartesian coordinates into polar or cylindrical.
Symbolic cbrt function.
Symbolic ceil function.
Characteristic polynomial of symbolic matrix.
Find the nth symbolic Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind.
Find the nth symbolic Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind.
Cholesky factorization of symbolic symmetric matrix.
Symbolic condition number of a symbolic matrix.
Symbolic conjugate function.
Symbolic cos function with input in degrees.
Symbolic coshint function.
Symbolic cosh function.
Symbolic cosine integral function.
Symbolic cos function.
Symbolic coth function.
Symbolic cot function.
Symbolic cross product.
Symbolic csch function.
Symbolic csc function.
Conjugate (Hermitian) transpose of a symbolic array.
Cumulative product over the rows or columns of a symbolic array.
Cumulative sum over the rows or columns of a symbolic array.
Symbolic curl of symbolic expression.
Symbolic Dawson (scaled imaginary error) function.
Return the degree of a polynomial expression.
Symbolic determinant of a matrix.
Make diagonal matrix or extract diagonal of symbolic matrix.
Symbolic differentiation.
Symbolic dilogarithm function.
Symbolic dirac function.
Symbolic divergence of symbolic expression.
Get divisors of integer.
Symbolic dot (scalar) product.
Solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) symbolically.
Symbolic eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a matrix.
Symbolic exponential integral (Ei) function.
Complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds.
Complementary complete elliptic integral of the second kind.
Complementary complete elliptic integral of the first kind.
Complementary complete elliptic integral of the third kind.
Complete and incomplete elliptic integrals of the second kind.
Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind.
Complete elliptic integral of the first kind.
Complete and incomplete elliptic integrals of the third kind.
Symbolic erfcinv function.
Symbolic erfc function.
Symbolic erfi function.
Symbolic erfinv function.
Symbolic erf function.
Return symbolic Euler numbers or Euler polynomials.
Symbolic generalized exponential integral (expint) function.
Symbolic exp function.
Symbolic matrix exponential.
Return an identity matrix.
Symbolic factorial function.
Symbolic fix function.
Symbolic floor function.
Symbolic Fourier transform.
Return the fractional part of a symbolic expression.
Symbolic Fresnel Cosine function.
Symbolic Fresnel Sine function.
Symbolic regularized incomplete gamma function.
Symbolic logarithm of the gamma function.
Symbolic gamma function.
Symbolic gradient of symbolic expression.
Symbolic harmonic function.
Symbolic Heaviside step function.
Symbolic Hessian matrix of symbolic scalar expression.
Return the symbolic Hilbert matrix.
Convert a symbolic polynomial to Horner form.
Symbolic generalized hypergeometric function.
Return hypoteneuse (distance) from symbolic expressions.
Symbolic inverse Fourier transform.
Symbolic upper incomplete gamma function.
Inverse Laplace transform.
Imaginary part of a symbolic expression.
Symbolic integration.
Return the common elements of two sets.
Return an interval.
Return the symbolic inverse of the Hilbert matrix.
Symbolic inverse of a matrix.
Test if an object is contained within a set or a matrix.
Return true if a symbolic number is prime.
Symbolic Jacobian of symbolic expression.
Symbolic Jordan canonical form of a matrix.
Kronecker Delta function.
Kronecker tensor product of two or more symbolic matrices.
Symbolic Laguerre polynomials and associated Laguerre polynomials.
Symbolic Lambert W function.
Laplace transform.
Symbolic Laplacian of symbolic expression.
Symbolic LU factorization of a matrix.
Symbolic logarithm of the gamma function.
Evaluate symbolic limits.
Symbolic log base 10 function.
Symbolic log base 2 function.
Symbolic logint function.
Symbolic log function.
Return maximum value of a symbolic vector or vectors.
Return minimum value of a symbolic vector or vectors.
Element-wise modular arithmetic on symbolic arrays and polynomials.
Symbolic binomial coefficient.
Return the next prime number.
Number of non-zero elements in the symbolic array.
Symbolic vector/matrix norm.
Basis for the nullspace of a symbolic matrix.
Extract numerator and denominator of a symbolic expression.
Orthonormal basis for column space (range) of symbolic matrix.
Compute partial fraction decomposition of a rational function.
Construct piecewise function.
Symbolic Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix.
Rising Factorial or Pochhammer symbol.
Symbolic polylogarithm function.
Symbolic potential of a vector field.
Return the previous prime number.
Product of symbolic expressions.
Symbolic polygamma function.
Symbolic QR factorization of a matrix.
Rank of a symbolic matrix.
Real part of a symbolic expression.
Symbolic round function.
Reduced Row Echelon Form of a symbolic matrix.
Symbolic sech function.
Symbolic sec function.
Set subtraction.
Return the symmetric difference of two sets.
Return the sign of the imaginary part of a complex expression.
Symbolic sign function.
Symbolic normalized sinc function.
Symbolic sin function with input in degrees.
Symbolic sinhint function.
Symbolic sinh function.
Symbolic sine integral function.
Symbolic sin function.
Symbolic solutions of equations, inequalities and systems.
Symbolic sqrt function.
Symbolic shifted sine integral function.
Sum of symbolic expressions.
Symbolic singular value decomposition.
Symbolic product.
Symbolic summation.
Symbolic tan function with input in degrees.
Symbolic tanh function.
Symbolic tan function.
Symbolic Taylor series.
Construct a symbolic Toeplitz matrix.
Trace of symbolic matrix.
Structural transpose (not conjugate) of a symbolic array.
Lower-triangular part of a symbolic matrix.
Upper-triangular part of a symbolic matrix.
Return the union of elements of two sets.
Return the unique elements of a symbolic matrix.
Symbolic zeta function.
Symbolic one-sided Z-transform.

Methods for manipulating symbolic objects:

Return the independent variables in a symfun.
Return string representation of a symbolic expression.
Return "children" (terms, lhs/rhs, etc) of symbolic expression.
Return non-zero (or all) coefficients of symbolic polynomial.
Collect common powers of a term in an expression.
Convert set of linear equations to matrix form.
Combine parts of a symbolic product.
Factor a symbolic polynomial or integer.
Find symbols in expression, return them as comma-separated string.
Find non-zero or true entries of a symbolic matrix.
Flip a symbolic matrix horizontally.
Flip a symbolic matrix vertically.
Return a symbolic expression for this object.
Naively test if an expression contains a subexpression.
Invert a permutation the indices of a symbolic array.
Left-hand side of symbolic expression.
Permute the indices of a symbolic array.
Right-hand side of symbolic expression.
Rewrite a symbolic expression.
Replace symbols in an expression with other expressions.
Replace symbols in caller’s workspace or in syms/struct/cells.
Find symbols in expression and return them as a symbolic vector.

Methods for converting symbolic objects to other formats

Convert symbolic expression into C code.
Convert symbolic to doubles.
Symbolic expression to double, taking values from workspace.
Convert symbolic expression into Fortran code.
Convert symbolic expression into a standard function.
Display or return LaTeX typesetting code for symbolic expression.
Convert symbolic expression into a standard function.
Return/display unicode/ascii-art representation of expression.
Return vector of coefficients of a symbolic polynomial.
The underlying SymPy representation as a string.

Arithmetic and logical methods for symbolic objects

Return true if all entries of a symbolic vector are nonzero.
Return true if any entries of a symbolic vector are nonzero.
Logical "and" of symbolic arrays.
Test for symbolic equality, and/or define equation.
Test/define symbolic inequality, greater than or equal to.
Test/define symbolic inequality, greater than.
Whether all elements of a symbolic array are constant.
Test if expression is mathematically true.
Return true if symbolic expression is a column vector.
Indicate which elements of symbolic array are constant.
Return true a symbolic array is empty (one dimension is zero).
Test if contents of two or more arrays are equal.
Test if contents of arrays are equal, even with nan.
Is symbolic expression finite.
Return true if a symbolic expression is infinite.
Return true if this symbolic expression is a matrix.
Symbolic expressions cannot be the Octave/R missing data NA.
Return true if a symbolic expression is Not-a-Number.
Return true if symbolic expression is Python object None.
Return true if symbolic expression is a row vector.
Return true if this symbolic expression is a scalar.
Return true if this symbolic expression is a vector.
Element-wise backslash division of symbolic expressions.
Test/define symbolic inequality, less than or equal to.
Test/define symbolic inequality, less than.
Subtract one symbolic expression from another.
Symbolic backslash: solve symbolic linear systems.
Symbolic expression matrix exponentiation.
Forward slash division of symbolic expressions.
Multiply symbolic matrices.
Test/define symbolic inequality, not equal to.
Logical "not" of a symbolic array.
Logical "or" of symbolic arrays.
Add two symbolic expressions together.
Symbolic expression componentwise exponentiation.
Element-wise forward slash division of symbolic expressions.
Return Hadamard product (element-wise multiplication) of matrices.
Return the negation of a symbolic expression.
Symbolic unitary minus.
Logical xor of symbolic arrays.

Other methods for symbolic objects

Concatenate symbolic arrays along particular dimension.
Generate a range of symbolic expressions.
Return the number of columns in a symbolic array.
Display, on command line, the contents of a symbolic expression.
Display the value of a symbolic expression.
Overloaded end for symbolic arrays.
Simple contour plots of symbolic expressions.
Simple 3D wireframe mesh plots of symbolic expressions.
Simple 3D parametric plotting of symbolic expressions.
Simple plotting of symbolic expressions.
Simple 3D surface plots of symbolic expressions.
Plot a symbolic expression.
Horizontally concatenate symbolic arrays.
Length of a symbolic vector.
Return a symbolic vector of equispaced points.
Test if expression is "structurally" true.
Return a symbolic vector of logarithmically-spaced points.
Return number of elements in symbolic array.
Return a matrix whose elements are all 1.
Build symbolic block matrices.
Change the shape of a symbolic array.
Resize a symbolic array, cropping or padding with zeros.
Return the number of rows in a symbolic array.
Simplify an expression.
Return the size of a symbolic array.
Order the elements in increasing order.
Assign to entries of a symbolic array.
Used to implement indexing by sym.
Access entries of a symbolic array.
Vertically concatenate symbolic arrays.
Return a matrix whose elements are all 0.

Class for symbolic functions

Return the independent variables in a symfun.
Symbolic differentiation of symbolic functions.
Return a symbolic expression for this symfun.
Symbolic integration of a symfun.
Test if contents of two or more arrays are equal.
Test if contents of two or more arrays are equal, even with nan.
Component-wise backslash division of symbolic functions.
Subtract one symbolic function from another.
Backslash division of symbolic functions.
Symbolic function exponentiation.
Forward slash division of symbolic functions.
Multiply symbolic functions.
Number of elements in a symfun.
Add two symbolic functions together.
Symbolic function component-wise exponentiation.
Forward slash component division of symbolic functions.
Return the size of a symbolic function.
Evaluate a symfun at a particular value.
Define a symbolic function (not usually invoked directly).
Find symbols in symfun and return them as a symbolic vector.
Symbolic function component-wise multiplication.
Return the negation of a symbolic function.


Test if expression is mathematically true.


Run the test suite, log results, and return true if any fail.

Package: symbolic