Geometry toolbox for 2D/3D geometric computing
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ANGLEPOINTS3D Compute angle between three 3D points.
ANGLES3D Conventions for manipulating angles in 3D.
ANGLESORT3D Sort 3D coplanar points according to their angles in plane.
BOUNDINGBOX3D Bounding box of a set of 3D points.
BOX3DVOLUME Volume of a 3-dimensional box.
BOXES3D Description of functions operating on 3D boxes.
CART2CYL Convert cartesian to cylindrical coordinates.
CART2SPH2D Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates in degrees.
CART2SPH2 Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.
CIRCLE3DORIGIN Return the first point of a 3D circle.
CIRCLE3DPOINT Coordinates of a point on a 3D circle from its position.
CIRCLE3DPOSITION Return the angular position of a point on a 3D circle.
Description of functions operating on 3D circles.
CLIPCONVEXPOLYGON3DHP Clip a convex 3D polygon with Half-space.
CLIPEDGE3D Clip a 3D edge with a cuboid box.
CLIPLINE3D Clip a line with a box and return an edge.
CLIPPOINTS3D Clip a set of points by a box or other 3d shapes.
CLIPPOLYGON3DHP clip a 3D polygon with Half-space.
Clip a 3D ray with a box and return a 3D edge.
COMPOSETRANSFORMS3D Concatenate several space transformations.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
CREATEBASISTRANSFORM3D Compute matrix for transforming a basis into another basis.
CREATEEDGE3D Create an edge between two 3D points, or from a 3D line.
CREATELINE3D Create a line with various inputs.
CREATEPLANE Create a plane in parametrized form.
Create a 3D ray.
CREATEROTATION3DLINEANGLE Create rotation around a line by an angle theta.
CREATEROTATIONABOUTPOINT3D Rotate about a point using a rotation matrix.
CREATEROTATIONOX Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around x-axis.
CREATEROTATIONOY Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around y-axis.
CREATEROTATIONOZ Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around z-axis.
CREATEROTATIONVECTOR3D Calculates the rotation between two vectors.
CREATEROTATIONVECTORPOINT3D Calculates the rotation between two vectors. around a point TFM = createRotationVectorPoint3d(A,B,P) returns the transformation to rotate the vector A in t...
CREATESCALING3D Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D scaling.
CREATESPHERE Create a sphere containing 4 points.
CREATETRANSLATION3D Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D translation.
CROSSPRODUCT3D Vector cross product faster than inbuilt MATLAB cross.
CYL2CART Convert cylindrical to cartesian coordinates.
CYLINDERSURFACEAREA Surface area of a cylinder.
DIHEDRALANGLE Compute dihedral angle between 2 planes.
DISTANCELINES3D Minimal distance between two 3D lines.
DISTANCEPOINTEDGE3D Minimum distance between a 3D point and a 3D edge.
DISTANCEPOINTLINE3D Euclidean distance between 3D point and line.
DISTANCEPOINTPLANE Signed distance betwen 3D point and plane.
DISTANCEPOINTS3D Compute euclidean distance between pairs of 3D Points.
DISTANCEPOINTTRIANGLE3D Minimum distance between a 3D point and a 3D triangle.
DRAWANGLEBETWEENVECTORS3D Draw an arc between 2 vectors.
DRAWARROW3D plot a quiver of 3D arrows.
DRAWAXIS3D Draw a coordinate system and an origin.
DRAWAXISCUBE Draw a colored cube representing axis orientation.
Draw a 3D box defined by coordinate extents.
Draw a capsule.
Draw a 3D circle.
Draw a 3D circle arc.
Draw a 3D centered cube, eventually rotated.
Draw a 3D cuboid, eventually rotated.
Draw a cylinder.
DRAWDOME Draw a dome (half-sphere, semi-sphere) as a mesh.
DRAWEDGE3D Draw 3D edge in the current axes.
DRAWELLIPSE3D Draw a 3D ellipse.
DRAWELLIPSECYLINDER Draw a cylinder with ellipse cross-section.
DRAWELLIPSOID Draw a 3D ellipsoid.
DRAWGRID3D Draw a 3D grid on the current axis.
DRAWLABELS3D Draw text labels at specified 3D positions.
DRAWLINE3D Draw a 3D line clipped by the current axes.
DRAWPARTIALPATCH draw surface patch, with 2 parametrized surfaces.
DRAWPLANE3D Draw a plane clipped by the current axes.
DRAWPLATFORM Draw a rectangular platform with a given size.
DRAWPOINT3D Draw 3D point on the current axis.
DRAWPOLYGON3D Draw a 3D polygon specified by a list of vertex coords.
DRAWPOLYLINE3D Draw a 3D polyline specified by a list of vertex coords.
Draw a 3D ray on the current axis.
DRAWSPHERE Draw a sphere as a mesh.
DRAWSPHERICALEDGE Draw an edge on the surface of a sphere.
DRAWSPHERICALPOLYGON Draw a spherical polygon.
DRAWSPHERICALTRIANGLE Draw a triangle on a sphere.
DRAWSURFPATCH Draw a 3D surface patch, with 2 parametrized surfaces.
DRAWTORUS Draw a torus (3D ring).
DRAWVECTOR3D Draw vector at a given position.
EDGELENGTH3D Return the length of a 3D edge.
EDGES3D Description of functions operating on 3D edges.
EDGETOLINE3D Convert a 3D edge to a 3D straight line.
ELLIPSOIDSURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of an ellipsoid.
Equivalent ellipsoid of a set of 3D points.
EULERANGLESTOROTATION3D Convert 3D Euler angles to 3D rotation matrix.
FILLPOLYGON3D Fill a 3D polygon specified by a list of vertex coords.
FILLSPHERICALPOLYGON Fill a spherical polygon.
FILLSPHERICALTRIANGLE Fill a triangle on a sphere.
Compute the affine transform that best register two 3D point sets.
FITCIRCLE3D Fit a 3D circle to a set of points.
FITELLIPSE3D Fit an ellipse to a set of points.
FITLINE3D Fit a 3D line to a set of points.
FITPLANE Fit a 3D plane to a set of points.
FITSPHERE Fit a sphere to 3D points using the least squares approach.
GEODESICCYLINDER computes the geodesic between two points on a cylinder.
HYPOT3 Diagonal length of a cuboidal 3D box .
INTERSECTBOXES3D Intersection of two 3D bounding boxes.
INTERSECTEDGEPLANE Return intersection point between a plane and a edge.
Intersection point of a 3D EDGE segment and a 3D polygon.
INTERSECTLINECYLINDER Compute intersection points between a line and a cylinder.
INTERSECTLINEPLANE Intersection point between a 3D line and a plane.
INTERSECTLINEPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D line and a 3D polygon.
INTERSECTLINESPHERE Return intersection points between a line and a sphere.
INTERSECTLINETRIANGLE3D Intersection point of a 3D line and a 3D triangle.
INTERSECTPLANES Return intersection line between 2 planes in space.
INTERSECTPLANESPHERE Return intersection circle between a plane and a sphere.
INTERSECTRAYPOLYGON3D Intersection point of a 3D ray and a 3D polygon.
INTERSECTTHREEPLANES Return intersection point between 3 planes in space.
ISBELOWPLANE Test whether a point is below or above a plane.
ISCOPLANAR Tests input points for coplanarity in 3-space.
ISPARALLEL3D Check parallelism of two 3D vectors.
ISPERPENDICULAR3D Check orthogonality of two 3D vectors.
ISPLANE Check if input is a plane.
Check if a point is located inside a 3D ellipsoid.
Test if a 3D point belongs to an edge.
ISPOINTONLINE3D Test if a 3D point belongs to a 3D line.
ISTRANSFORM3D Check if input is a affine transformation matrix.
Return the position of a 3D point projected on a 3D line.
LINES3D Description of functions operating on 3D lines.
LINETOEDGE3D Convert a 3D straight line to a 3D finite edge.
MEDIANPLANE Create a plane in the middle of 2 points.
MERGEBOXES3D Merge 3D boxes, by computing their greatest extent.
MIDPOINT3D Middle point of two 3D points or of a 3D edge.
NORMALIZELINE3D Normalizes the direction vector of a 3D line.
NORMALIZEPLANE Normalize parametric representation of a plane.
NORMALIZEVECTOR3D Normalize a 3D vector to have norm equal to 1.
OBLATESURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of an oblate ellipsoid.
ORIENTEDBOX3D Object-oriented bounding box of a set of 3D points.
PARALLELLINE3D Create 3D line parallel to another one.
PARALLELPLANE Parallel to a plane through a point or at a given distance.
PLANENORMAL Compute the normal to a plane.
PLANEPOINT Compute 3D position of a point in a plane.
PLANEPOSITION Compute position of a point on a plane.
PLANES3D Description of functions operating on 3D planes.
PLANESBISECTOR Bisector plane between two other planes.
POINTS3D Description of functions operating on 3D points.
POLYGON3DNORMALANGLE Normal angle at a vertex of the 3D polygon.
POLYGONAREA3D Area of a 3D polygon.
POLYGONCENTROID3D Centroid (or center of mass) of a polygon.
POLYGONS3D Description of functions operating on 3D polygons.
PROJLINEONPLANE Return the orthogonal projection of a line on a plane.
PROJPOINTONCIRCLE3D Project a 3D point onto a 3D circle.
PROJPOINTONCYLINDER Project a 3D point onto a cylinder.
PROJPOINTONLINE3D Project a 3D point orthogonally onto a 3D line.
PROJPOINTONPLANE Return the orthogonal projection of a point on a plane.
PROLATESURFACEAREA Approximated surface area of a prolate ellipsoid.
RANDOMANGLE3D Return a 3D angle uniformly distributed on unit sphere.
RANDOMPOINTINBOX3D Generate random point(s) within a 3D box.
RECENTERTRANSFORM3D Change the fixed point of an affine 3D transform.
Fit 3D affine transform using iterative algorithm.
REVERSELINE3D Return same 3D line but with opposite orientation.
REVERSEPLANE Return same 3D plane but with opposite orientation.
REVOLUTIONSURFACE Create a surface of revolution from a planar curve.
ROTATION3DAXISANDANGLE Determine axis and angle of a 3D rotation matrix.
ROTATION3DTOEULERANGLES Extract Euler angles from a rotation matrix.
SPH2CART2D Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates in degrees.
SPH2CART2 Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
SPHERES Description of functions operating on 3D spheres.
SPHERICALANGLE Compute angle between points on the sphere.
SPHERICALVORONOIDOMAIN Compute a spherical voronoi domain.
SURFACECURVATURE Curvature on a surface from angle and principal curvatures.
TRANSFORMLINE3D Transform a 3D line with a 3D affine transform.
TRANSFORMPLANE3D Transform a 3D plane with a 3D affine transform.
TRANSFORMPOINT3D Transform a point with a 3D affine transform.
TRANSFORMS3D Conventions for manipulating 3D affine transforms.
TRANSFORMVECTOR3D Transform a vector with a 3D affine transform.
TRIANGLEAREA3D Area of a 3D triangle.
VECTORANGLE3D Angle between two 3D vectors.
VECTORCROSS3D Vector cross product faster than inbuilt MATLAB cross.
VECTORNORM3D Norm of a 3D vector or of set of 3D vectors.
VECTORS3D Description of functions operating on 3D vectors.
CART2GEOD Convert cartesian coordinates to geodesic coord.
CLIPPOLYGONHP Clip a polygon with a Half-plane defined by a directed line.
CLIPPOLYGON Clip a polygon with a rectangular box.
CLIPPOLYLINE Clip an open polyline with a rectangular box.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
CONTOURMATRIXTOPOLYLINES Converts a contour matrix array into a polyline set.
CONVEXHULL Convex hull of a set of points.
CONVEXIFICATION Compute the convexification of a polygon.
CURVATURE Estimate curvature of a polyline defined by points.
CURVECMOMENT Compute centered inertia moment of a 2D curve.
CURVECSMOMENT Compute centered scaled moment of a 2D curve.
CURVEMOMENT Compute inertia moment of a 2D curve.
DENSIFYPOLYGON Add several points on each edge of the polygon.
DISTANCEPOINTPOLYGON Shortest distance between a point and a polygon.
DISTANCEPOINTPOLYLINE Compute shortest distance between a point and a polyline.
DISTANCEPOLYGONS Compute the shortest distance between 2 polygons.
DISTANCEPOLYGONSNOCROSS Compute the shortest distance between 2 polygons.
DISTANCEPOLYLINES Compute the shortest distance between 2 polylines.
DRAWPOLYGON Draw a polygon specified by a list of points.
DRAWPOLYLINE Draw a polyline specified by a list of points.
DRAWVERTICES Draw the vertices of a polygon or polyline.
EXPANDPOLYGON Expand a polygon by a given (signed) distance.
FILLPOLYGON Fill a polygon specified by a list of points.
FINDPOINT Find index of a point in an set from its coordinates.
GEOD2CART Convert geodesic coordinates to cartesian coord.
INTERSECTEDGEPOLYGON Intersection point of an edge with a polygon.
INTERSECTLINEPOLYGON Intersection points between a line and a polygon.
INTERSECTLINEPOLYLINE Intersection points between a line and a polyline.
INTERSECTPOLYLINES Find the common points between 2 polylines.
INTERSECTRAYPOLYGON Intersection points between a ray and a polygon.
ISPOINTINPOLYGON Test if a point is located inside a polygon.
ISPOINTONPOLYLINE Test if a point belongs to a polyline.
MEDIALAXISCONVEX Compute medial axis of a convex polygon.
MINIMUMCALIPERDIAMETER Minimum caliper diameter of a set of points.
PARAMETRIZE Parametrization of a polyline, based on edges lengths.
POINTSETSAVERAGE Compute the average of several point sets.
Compute the signed area of a polygon.
POLYGONBOUNDS Compute the bounding box of a polygon.
POLYGONCENTROID Compute the centroid (center of mass) of a polygon.
POLYGONCONTAINS Test if a point is contained in a multiply connected polygon.
POLYGONCURVATURE Estimate curvature on polygon vertices using polynomial fit.
POLYGONEDGES Return the edges of a simple or multiple polygon.
Compute equivalent ellipse with same second order moments as polygon.
POLYGONINERTIAELLIPSE Compute ellipse with same inertia moments as polygon.
POLYGONLENGTH Perimeter of a polygon.
POLYGONLOOPS Divide a possibly self-intersecting polygon into a set of simple loops.
Normal angle at each vertex of a polygon.
Outer normal vector for a given vertex(ices).
POLYGONPOINT Extract a point from a polygon.
POLYGONSECONDAREAMOMENTS Compute second-order area moments of a polygon.
POLYGONSELFINTERSECTIONS Find self-intersection points of a polygon.
POLYGONSIGNATURE Polar signature of a polygon (polar distance to origin).
Skeletonization of a polygon with a dense distribution of vertices.
Extract a portion of a polygon.
POLYGONSYMMETRYAXIS Try to identify symmetry axis of polygon.
POLYGONTOROW Convert polygon coordinates to a row vector.
POLYGONVERTICES Extract all vertices of a (multi-)polygon.
POLYLINECENTROID Compute centroid of a curve defined by a series of points.
POLYLINELENGTH Return length of a polyline given as a list of points.
POLYLINEPOINT Extract a point from a polyline.
POLYLINESELFINTERSECTIONS Find self-intersection points of a polyline.
Extract a portion of a polyline.
PROJPOINTONPOLYGON Compute position of a point projected on a polygon.
PROJPOINTONPOLYLINE Compute position of a point projected on a polyline.
RANDOMPOINTINPOLYGON Generate random point(s) in a polygon.
READPOLYGONSET Read a set of simple polygons stored in a file.
REMOVEMULTIPLEVERTICES Remove multiple vertices of a polygon or polyline.
RESAMPLEPOLYGONBYLENGTH Resample a polygon with a fixed sampling step.
RESAMPLEPOLYGON Distribute N points equally spaced on a polygon.
RESAMPLEPOLYLINEBYLENGTH Resample a polyline with a fixed sampling step.
RESAMPLEPOLYLINE Distribute N points equally spaced on a polyline.
REVERSEPOLYGON Reverse a polygon, by iterating vertices from the end.
REVERSEPOLYLINE Reverse a polyline, by iterating vertices from the end.
ROWTOPOLYGON Create a polygon from a row vector.
SIGNATURETOPOLYGON Reconstruct a polygon from its polar signature.
SIMPLIFYPOLYGON Douglas-Peucker simplification of a polygon.
SIMPLIFYPOLYLINE Douglas-Peucker simplification of a polyline.
SMOOTHPOLYGON Smooth a polygon using local averaging.
SMOOTHPOLYLINE Smooth a polyline using local averaging.
SPLITPOLYGONS Convert a NaN separated polygon list to a cell array of polygons.
STEINERPOINT Compute steiner point (weighted centroid) of a polygon.
STEINERPOLYGON Create a Steiner polygon from a set of vectors.
SUPPORTFUNCTION Compute support function of a polygon.
TRIANGULATEPOLYGON Compute a triangulation of the polygon.
WRITEPOLYGONSET Write a set of simple polygons into a file.
ANGLE2POINTS Compute horizontal angle between 2 points.
ANGLE3POINTS Compute oriented angle made by 3 points.
ANGLEABSDIFF Absolute difference between two angles.
ANGLEDIFF Difference between two angles.
Description of functions for manipulating angles.
ANGLESORT Sort points in the plane according to their angle to origin.
BISECTOR Return the bisector of two lines, or 3 points.
BOUNDINGBOX Bounding box of a set of points.
BOXES2D Description of functions operating on bounding boxes.
BOXTOPOLYGON Convert a bounding box to a square polygon.
BOXTORECT Convert box data to rectangle data.
CARTESIANLINE Create a straight line from cartesian equation coefficients.
CENTEREDEDGETOEDGE Convert a centered edge to a two-points edge.
CENTROID Compute centroid (center of mass) of a set of points.
CIRCLEARCTOPOLYLINE Convert a circle arc into a series of points.
CIRCLES2D Description of functions operating on circles.
CIRCLETOPOLYGON Convert a circle into a series of points.
CIRCUMCENTER Circumcenter of three points.
CIRCUMCIRCLE Circumscribed circle of three points.
CLIPEDGE Clip an edge with a rectangular box.
CLIPLINE Clip a line with a box.
CLIPPOINTS Clip a set of points by a box.
Clip a ray with a box.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
CRACKPATTERN2 Create a (bounded) crack pattern tessellation.
CRACKPATTERN Create a (bounded) crack pattern tessellation.
CREATEBASISTRANSFORM Compute matrix for transforming a basis into another basis.
CREATECIRCLE Create a circle from 2 or 3 points.
CREATEDIRECTEDCIRCLE Create a directed circle.
CREATEEDGE Create an edge between two points, or from a line.
CREATEHOMOTHECY Create the the 3x3 matrix of an homothetic transform.
CREATELINE Create a straight line from 2 points, or from other inputs.
CREATELINEREFLECTION Create the the 3x3 matrix of a line reflection.
CREATERAY Create a ray (half-line), from various inputs.
CREATEROTATION90 Matrix of a rotation for 90 degrees multiples.
CREATEROTATION Create the 3*3 matrix of a rotation.
CREATESCALING Create the 3*3 matrix of a scaling in 2 dimensions.
CREATETRANSLATION Create the 3*3 matrix of a translation.
CREATEVECTOR Create a vector from two points.
CUBICBEZIERTOPOLYLINE Compute equivalent polyline from bezier curve control.
DISTANCEPOINTEDGE Minimum distance between a point and an edge.
DISTANCEPOINTLINE Minimum distance between a point and a line.
DISTANCEPOINTS Compute distance between two points.
DRAWARROW Draw an arrow on the current axis.
DRAWBEZIERCURVE Draw a cubic bezier curve defined by 4 control points.
DRAWBOX Draw a box defined by coordinate extents.
DRAWCENTEREDEDGE Draw an edge centered on a point.
DRAWCIRCLEARC Draw a circle arc on the current axis.
DRAWCIRCLE Draw a circle on the current axis.
DRAWEDGE Draw an edge given by 2 points.
DRAWELLIPSEARC Draw an ellipse arc on the current axis.
DRAWELLIPSE Draw an ellipse on the current axis.
Draw labels at specified positions.
DRAWLINE Draw a straight line clipped by the current axis.
DRAWORIENTEDBOX Draw centered oriented rectangle.
DRAWPARABOLA Draw a parabola on the current axis.
DRAWPOINT Draw the point on the axis.
DRAWRAY Draw a ray on the current axis.
DRAWRECT Draw rectangle on the current axis.
DRAWSHAPE Draw various types of shapes (circles, polygons...).
DRAWVECTOR Draw vector at a given position.
EDGEANGLE Return angle of edge.
EDGELENGTH Return length of an edge.
EDGEPOSITION Return position of a point on an edge.
EDGES2D Description of functions operating on planar edges.
EDGETOLINE Convert an edge to a straight line.
EDGETOPOLYLINE Convert an edge to a polyline with a given number of segments.
ELLIPSEPERIMETER Perimeter of an ellipse.
ELLIPSES2D Description of functions operating on ellipses.
ELLIPSETOPOLYGON Convert an ellipse into a series of points.
ENCLOSINGCIRCLE Find the minimum circle enclosing a set of points.
Equivalent ellipse of a set of points.
FINDCLOSESTPOINT Find index of closest point in an array.
Compute the affine transform that best register two point sets.
FITPOLYNOMIALTRANSFORM2D Coefficients of polynomial transform between two point sets.
HAUSDORFFDISTANCE Hausdorff distance between two point sets.
HEXAGONALGRID Generate hexagonal grid of points in the plane.
INERTIAELLIPSE Inertia ellipse of a set of points.
INTERSECTBOXES Intersection of two bounding boxes.
INTERSECTCIRCLES Intersection points of two circles.
INTERSECTEDGES Return all intersections between two set of edges.
Intersection point(s) of a line and a circle.
INTERSECTLINEEDGE Return intersection between a line and an edge.
INTERSECTLINES Return all intersection points of N lines in 2D.
Compute the relative orientation of 3 points.
ISLEFTORIENTED Test if a point is on the left side of a line.
ISPARALLEL Check parallelism of two vectors.
ISPERPENDICULAR Check orthogonality of two vectors.
ISPOINTINCIRCLE Test if a point is located inside a given circle.
ISPOINTINELLIPSE Check if a point is located inside a given ellipse.
ISPOINTINTRIANGLE Test if a point is located inside a triangle.
ISPOINTONCIRCLE Test if a point is located on a given circle.
ISPOINTONEDGE Test if a point belongs to an edge.
ISPOINTONLINE Test if a point belongs to a line.
ISPOINTONRAY Test if a point belongs to a ray.
LINEANGLE Computes angle between two straight lines.
LINEFIT Fit a straight line to a set of points.
LINEPOSITION Position of a point on a line.
LINES2D Description of functions operating on planar lines.
LINETOEDGE Convert a straight line to a finite edge.
MEDIANLINE Create a median line between two points.
MERGEBOXES Merge two boxes, by computing their greatest extent.
MERGECLOSEPOINTS Merge points that are closer than a given distance.
MIDPOINT Middle point of two points or of an edge.
Minimal distance between several points.
NNDIST Nearest-neighbor distances of each point in a set.
NORMALIZEANGLE Normalize an angle value within a 2*PI interval.
NORMALIZE Normalize a vector.
NORMALIZEVECTOR Normalize a vector to have norm equal to 1.
ORIENTEDBOX Minimum-width oriented bounding box of a set of points.
ORIENTEDBOXTOPOLYGON Convert an oriented box to a polygon (set of vertices).
ORTHOGONALLINE Create a line orthogonal to another one through a point.
PARALLELEDGE Edge parallel to another edge.
PARALLELLINE Create a line parallel to another one.
POINTONLINE Create a point on a line at a given position on the line.
POINTS2D Description of functions operating on points.
POLARPOINT Create a point from polar coordinates (rho + theta).
POLYNOMIALTRANSFORM2D Apply a polynomial transform to a set of points.
PRINCIPALAXES Principal axes of a set of ND points.
Align a set of points along its principal axes.
PROJPOINTONLINE Project of a point orthogonally onto a line.
RADICALAXIS Compute the radical axis (or radical line) of 2 circles.
RANDOMPOINTINBOX Generate random point within a box.
RAYS2D Description of functions operating on planar rays.
RECTTOBOX Convert rectangle data to box data.
RECTTOPOLYGON Convert a rectangle into a polygon (set of vertices).
REGISTERICP Fit affine transform by Iterative Closest Point algorithm.
REVERSEEDGE Intervert the source and target vertices of edge.
REVERSELINE Return same line but with opposite orientation.
ROTATEVECTOR Rotate a vector by a given angle.
SQUAREGRID Generate equally spaces points in plane.
TRANSFORMEDGE Transform an edge with an affine transform.
TRANSFORMLINE Transform a line with an affine transform.
Apply an affine transform to a point or a point set.
TRANSFORMS2D Description of functions operating on transforms.
TRANSFORMVECTOR Transform a vector with an affine transform.
TRIANGLEAREA Signed area of a triangle.
TRIANGLEGRID Generate triangular grid of points in the plane.
Horizontal angle of a vector, or angle between 2 vectors.
Compute norm of a vector, or of a set of vectors.
VECTORS2D Description of functions operating on plane vectors.
Compute average mesh from a list of meshes.
BOXTOMESH Convert a box into a quad mesh with the same size.
CHECKMESHADJACENTFACES Check if adjacent faces of a mesh have similar orientation.
CLIPCONVEXPOLYHEDRONHP Clip a convex polyhedron by a plane.
CLIPMESHVERTICES Clip vertices of a surfacic mesh and remove outer faces.
removes mesh edges adjacent to more than two faces
CONCATENATEMESHES Concatenate multiple meshes.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
CREATECUBE Create a 3D mesh representing the unit cube.
CREATECUBEOCTAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a cube-octahedron.
CREATEDODECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a dodecahedron.
CREATEDURERPOLYHEDRON Create a mesh representing Durer's polyhedron .
CREATEICOSAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing an Icosahedron.
CREATEMENGERSPONGE Create a cube with an inside cross removed.
CREATEOCTAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing an octahedron.
CREATERHOMBODODECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a rhombododecahedron.
CREATESOCCERBALL Create a 3D mesh representing a soccer ball.
CREATESTELLATEDMESH Replaces each face of a mesh by a pyramid.
CREATETETRAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a tetrahedron.
CREATETETRAKAIDECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a tetrakaidecahedron.
Create a mesh surrounding a 3D curve.
CUTMESHBYPLANE Cut a mesh by a plane.
Create a 3D mesh representing a cylinder.
DISTANCEPOINTMESH Shortest distance between a (3D) point and a triangle mesh.
DRAWFACENORMALS Draw normal vector of each face in a mesh.
DRAWMESH Draw a 3D mesh defined by vertex and face arrays.
DRAWPOLYHEDRON Draw polyhedron defined by vertices and faces.
ELLIPSOIDMESH Convert a 3D ellipsoid to face-vertex mesh representation.
ENSUREMANIFOLDMESH Apply several simplification to obtain a manifold mesh.
Fill the faces of a mesh with the specified colors.
Intersection points of a 3D edge with a mesh.
Intersection points of a 3D line with a mesh.
Compute the polygons resulting from plane-mesh intersection.
ISMANIFOLDMESH Check whether the input mesh may be considered as manifold.
ISPOINTINMESH Check if a point is inside a 3D mesh.
MERGECOPLANARFACES Merge coplanar faces of a polyhedral mesh.
MERGEMESHVERTICES Merge two vertices and removes eventual degenerated faces.
MESHADJACENCYMATRIX Compute adjacency matrix of a mesh from set of faces.
MESHBOUNDARYEDGEINDICES Indices of boundary edges of a mesh.
MESHBOUNDARY Boundary of a mesh as a collection of 3D line strings.
MESHBOUNDARYVERTEXINDICES Indices of boundary vertices of a mesh.
Reverse the normal of each face in the mesh.
MESHDIHEDRALANGLES Dihedral at edges of a polyhedal mesh.
MESHEDGES Computes array of edge vertex indices from face array.
MESHFACEADJACENCY Compute adjacency list of face around each face.
MESHFACEAREAS Surface area of each face of a mesh.
MESHFACECENTROIDS Compute centroids of faces in a mesh.
MESHFACEEDGES Computes edge indices of each face.
MESHFACE Return the vertex indices of a face in a mesh.
MESHFACENORMALS Compute normal vector of faces in a 3D mesh.
MESHFACENUMBER Returns the number of faces in this mesh.
MESHFACEPOLYGONS Returns the set of polygons that constitutes a mesh.
MESHSILHOUETTE Compute the 2D outline of a 3D mesh on an arbitrary plane.
Surface area of a polyhedral mesh.
MESHVERTEXCLUSTERING Simplifies a mesh using vertex clustering.
MESHVERTEXNORMALS Compute normals to a mesh vertices.
(Signed) volume of the space enclosed by a polygonal mesh.
MINCONVEXHULL Return the unique minimal convex hull of a set of 3D points.
POLYHEDRA Index of classical polyhedral meshes.
POLYHEDRONMEANBREADTH Mean breadth of a convex polyhedron.
POLYHEDRONNORMALANGLE Compute normal angle at a vertex of a 3D polyhedron.
POLYHEDRONSLICE Intersect a convex polyhedron with a plane.
Read a 3D mesh by inferring format from file name.
Read mesh data stored in OFF format.
Read mesh data stored in PLY (Stanford triangle) format.
READMESH_STL Read mesh data stored in STL format.
REMOVEDUPLICATEFACES Remove duplicate faces in a face array.
REMOVEINVALIDBORDERFACES Remove faces whose edges are connected to 3, 3, and 1 faces.
REMOVEMESHEARS Remove vertices that are connected to only one face.
REMOVEMESHFACES Remove faces from a mesh by face indices. [V2, F2] = removeMeshFaces(V, F, FI) removes faces from the mesh by the face indices FI into faces F of the mesh.
REMOVEMESHVERTICES Remove vertices and associated faces from a mesh.
SMOOTHMESH Smooth mesh by replacing each vertex by the average of its neighbors.
Create a 3D mesh representing a sphere.
SPLITMESH Return the connected components of a mesh.
STEINERPOLYTOPE Create a steiner polytope from a set of vectors.
SUBDIVIDEMESH Subdivides each face of the mesh.
Convert surface grids into face-vertex mesh.
TETRAHEDRONVOLUME Signed volume of a tetrahedron.
TORUSMESH Create a 3D mesh representing a torus.
TRANSFORMMESH Applies a 3D affine transform to a mesh.
TRIANGULATECURVEPAIR Compute triangulation between a pair of 3D open curves.
TRIANGULATEFACES Convert face array to an array of triangular faces.
Compute triangulation between a pair of 3D closed curves.
TRIMESHEDGEFACES Compute index of faces adjacent to each edge of a triangular mesh.
TRIMESHMEANBREADTH Mean breadth of a triangular mesh.
TRIMESHSURFACEAREA Surface area of a triangular mesh.
TRIMMESH Reduce memory footprint of a polygonal mesh.
VERTEXNORMAL Compute normals to a mesh vertices.
Write 3D mesh data by inferring format from file name.
WRITEMESH_OFF Write a mesh into a text file in OFF format.
WRITEMESH_PLY Write a mesh into a file in PLY format.
WRITEMESH_STL Write mesh data in the STL format.
ISAXISHANDLE Check if the input corresponds to a valid axis handle.
ADDSQUAREFACE Add a (square) face defined from its vertices to a graph.
Convert an adjacency list to an edge array.
BOUNDARYGRAPH Get boundary of image as a graph.
BOUNDEDCENTROIDALVORONOI2D Create a 2D Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation in a box.
BOUNDEDVORONOI2D Return a bounded voronoi diagram as a graph structure.
CENTROIDALVORONOI2D Centroidal Voronoi tesselation within a polygon.
CENTROIDALVORONOI2D_MC Centroidal Voronoi tesselation by Monte-Carlo.
CLIPGRAPH Clip a graph with a rectangular area.
CLIPGRAPHPOLYGON Clip a graph with a polygon.
CLIPMESH2DPOLYGON Clip a planar mesh with a polygon.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
CVTITERATE Update germs of a CVT using random points with given density.
CVTUPDATE Update germs of a CVT with given points.
DELAUNAYGRAPH Graph associated to Delaunay triangulation of input points.
DRAWDIGRAPH Draw a directed graph, given as a set of vertices and edges.
DRAWDIRECTEDEDGES Draw edges with arrow indicating direction.
DRAWEDGELABELS Draw values associated to graph edges.
Draw edges of a graph.
DRAWGRAPH Draw a graph, given as a set of vertices and edges.
DRAWNODELABELS Draw values associated to graph nodes.
EUCLIDEANMST Build euclidean minimal spanning tree of a set of points.
FILLGRAPHFACES Fill faces of a graph with specified color.
GABRIELGRAPH Gabriel Graph of a set of points.
GCONTOUR2D Creates contour graph of a 2D binary image.
GCONTOUR3D Create contour graph of a 3D binary image.
GRADJACENTEDGES Find list of edges adjacent to a given node.
GRADJACENTNODES Find list of nodes adjacent to a given node.
GRAPHCENTER Center of a graph.
GRAPHDIAMETER Diameter of a graph.
GRAPHPERIPHERALVERTICES Peripheral vertices of a graph.
GRAPHRADIUS Radius of a graph.
GRCLOSE Morphological closing on graph.
GRDILATE Morphological dilation on graph.
GREDGELENGTHS Compute length of edges in a geometric graph.
GRERODE Morphological erosion on graph.
GRFACETOPOLYGON Compute the polygon corresponding to a graph face.
GRFINDGEODESICPATH Find a geodesic path between two nodes in the graph.
GRFINDMAXIMALLENGTHPATH Find a path that maximizes sum of edge weights.
GRLABEL Associate a label to each connected component of the graph.
Compute mean value from neighbour nodes.
Compute median value from neighbour nodes.
GRMERGEMULTIPLEEDGES Remove all edges sharing the same extremities.
GRMERGEMULTIPLENODES Simplify a graph by merging multiple nodes.
GRMERGENODECLUSTERS Merge cluster of connected nodes in a graph.
GRMERGENODES Merge two (or more) nodes in a graph.
GRMERGENODESMEDIAN Replace several nodes by their median coordinate.
GRNODEDEGREE Degree of a node in a (undirected) graph.
GRNODEINNERDEGREE Inner degree of a node in a graph.
GRNODEOUTERDEGREE Outer degree of a node in a graph.
GROPEN Morphological opening on graph.
GROPPOSITENODE Return opposite node in an edge.
GRPROPAGATEDISTANCE Propagates distances from a vertex to other vertices.
GRREMOVEEDGE Remove an edge in a graph.
GRREMOVEEDGES Remove several edges from a graph.
GRREMOVEMULTIPLEPOINTS Remove groups of close nodes in a graph.
GRREMOVENODE Remove a node in a graph.
GRREMOVENODES Remove several nodes in a graph.
GRSHORTESTPATH Find a shortest path between two nodes in the graph.
GRSIMPLIFYBRANCHES Replace branches of a graph by single edges.
GRSIMPLIFYBRANCHES_OLD Replace branches of a graph by single edges.
GRVERTEXECCENTRICITY Eccentricity of vertices in the graph.
IMAGEGRAPH Create equivalent graph of a binary image.
KNNGRAPH Create the k-nearest neighbors graph of a set of points.
MERGEGRAPHS Merge two graphs, by adding nodes, edges and faces lists.
Computes the energy of a tesselation, as the sum of second area moments.
PRIM_MST Minimal spanning tree by Prim's algorithm.
PRUNEGRAPH Remove all edges with a terminal vertex.
QUIVERTOGRAPH Converts quiver data to quad mesh.
READGRAPH Read a graph from a text file.
RELATIVENEIGHBORHOODGRAPH Relative Neighborhood Graph of a set of points.
VORONOI2D Compute a voronoi diagram as a graph structure.
WRITEGRAPH Write a graph to an ascii file.
GEOM2D Geometry 2D Toolbox
Version 1.24 07-Jun-2018 .
DRAWPOLYNOMIALCURVE Draw a polynomial curve approximation.
POLYFIT2 Polynomial approximation of a curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVECENTROID Compute the centroid of a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVECURVATURE Compute the local curvature of a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVECURVATURES Compute curvatures of a polynomial revolution surface.
POLYNOMIALCURVEDERIVATIVE Compute derivative vector of a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVEFIT Fit a polynomial curve to a series of points.
POLYNOMIALCURVELENGTH Compute the length of a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVENORMAL Compute the normal of a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVEPOINT Compute point corresponding to a position.
POLYNOMIALCURVEPOSITION Compute position on a curve for a given length.
POLYNOMIALCURVEPROJECTION Projection of a point on a polynomial curve.
POLYNOMIALCURVESETFIT Fit a set of polynomial curves to a segmented image.
POLYNOMIALDERIVATE Derivate a polynomial.
Package: matgeom